Music Educators Association of New Jersey

Serving teachers and students since 1927

Contact Music Educators Association of New Jersey

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Website Staff

Committee Chair Lisa Gonzalez
Senior Editor Bertha Mandel
Member News Editor, Nancy Modell
Forms/Downloads and Calendar Coordinator and Editor, Marcia Maull
Programs Editor and Photographer Lisa Gonzalez
Website Development and Maintenance CodeMonkey Design


Executive Committee

President Danette Whelan
1st Vice President Charlene Step
2nd Vice President Marcia Maull
Immediate Past President Yudit Terry
Honorary Vice President Clarisse Kant
Recording Secretaries Cherwyn Ambuter and Judy Kessler
Corresponding Secretary Bertha Mandel
Treasurer Lynne Rogerson


Committee Contact List

Committee Chair
Annual Auditions Lisa Casia
Annual Competition Barbara Landi Hause, Anna Katznelson
Composers’ Corner Nancy Modell
Composition Patricio Molina: Original Composition Festival
Danette Whelan: Eric Steiner Original Composition Competition
History Beverly Shea, Ruth Pasquariello
Honors Recital Charlene Step
Hospitality Rebecca Eng, Naomi Takagi
House Rebecca Eng
Membership Lisa Gonzalez
Parliamentarian Beverly Shea
Programs Aziza Khasanova-Madaski, Sophia Agranovich
Scherzo Club Barbara Landi Hause
   Music Sales
Sondra Tammam, Charlene Step
   Charlene Step
Student Recitals Yudit Terry
The Glissando Marcia Maull
Theory Marcia Maull
Website Lisa Gonzalez